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Thoughts & Inspiration

Lord, do something ordinary through me.

I was reading in John 21 today.
Jesus had already died and risen again, and He’d already already revealed Himself to His disciples.
But He decides to reveal Himself to His disciples again in this chapter. What is He doing when the disciples see Him this time? He’s making breakfast for them.
Breakfast. How normal. How ordinary. We all eat breakfast or at least you should.
A lot of times, we ask God to work through us in extraordinary ways. But Jesus, who died and rose again and who has everything at His disposable to so something extraordinary, felt let led to serve in such a ordinary way.
It’s the small, everyday moments that have the potential to have the biggest impact, but we pass them up waiting for this extraordinary moment.
“Feed my lambs. Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep.”
These are the words He leaves with His disciples before heading back to Heaven.
How simple.
Who can I feed and who can I tend to? What’s the ordinary thing you can do that can make an extraodinary impact?
That’s the question I will be waking up to for awhile.

The Fiscal Year is coming to an end soon.
As of now, 84% of the support I need to raise for Adventures has been committed! Please pray that the last 16% (~$1,125) of the support I am responsible to raise for Adventures comes in soon.
If you would like to contribue, please let me know! You can call me at (563) 340-4861 or e-mail me at [email protected] for more information. 
If you’re ready to contribue now, please click on “Donate!” in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. 
Thank you, and God bless!